Families Change Guide to Separation & Divorce

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Where can we get more help?

FamiliesChange.ca: This website contains information to help all members of the family cope with separation and divorce. There are resources for children, teens, and parents.

Family Law Saskatchewan: Online resource providing legal information about all aspects of separation and divorce, as well as step-by-step guides for completing and filing required court forms.

Family Matters: Information and resources to deal with changing family situations and assistance to resolve urgent and outstanding issues.

Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-By-Step: This guide includes worksheets to help parents figure out things like special or extraordinary expenses and undue hardship.

Maintenance Enforcement Office (MEO): Works with both the paying parent and the recipient to try and keep maintenance payments up to date for both child and spousal support.

The Parent Education Unit: Offers the Parenting after Separation and Divorce information sessions to people dealing with family breakdown. Every person commencing a family law proceeding in which custody, access or child support is an issue is required to attend parent education programming.

Separating or Getting a Divorce: Information from the Government of Saskatchewan about available services and programs for people dealing with separation and divorce.